The musical passages within this gallery represent a collection of work that has been thoughtfully selected and reworked into a fluid listening experience. Each piece follows a particular theme(s) and all songs are original music compositions, compliments of Sound Shield Studios. Enjoy your stay…
Featured Selection – Electrons
This track is an electro-cinematic journey that is filled with intrigue, vibe, frenzy and pulse. The five songs which combine this piece are:
Mammal & Machine, Trickle To Rain, Pods, Dark Coffee and Lounge Worn.
Audio PlayerOther Music Gallery Selections …
- Classical Compositions – Orchestral Manoeuvres
- Corporate Cues & Documentary Themes
- Journeys and (Time) Travel
- Film Score – Each His Own Devil (2019)
- Pianorchestral – Ivory and Orchestra
- Tribal & Fantasy – A Viking’s Fantasy
- War Torn –“The Legacy Series”